Monday, August 27, 2007

Whew, the first day is finally over!

Gage had a great day at school. Immediately I asked him how it went and what all did he do. "I can't remember Mom." UGH! So, I had to play 20 questions. Was lunch good? Yes. What did you have? Pepperoni pizze, green beans and fruit choice. What did you choose for your fruit? Pineapple. Did you eat it all? Yes. Where is your water bottle? I guess I forgot it. Then half way home...Where is your snack bag? It's in my desk at school MOM! I told him we needed to go back and get those things. MAJOR MELTDOWN ENSUED! Long story short, he lost computer privileges for 2 days, and was begging for more. I told him I understood it was a LONG day, but we needed to go back and get those things so I could send fresh water tomorrow and I needed his snack bag for his snack. (I sure didn't want to bring it home after it had sat in his desk all night long with an empty, not washed out, container of cottage cheese!) Anyway, he is in for a long week. He loved school, but it is going to be tough getting back on our strict bedtime schedule after being lenient over the summer.
I just finished working and I need to get to bed myself to prevent any meldowns from Mom tomorrow!! G'night!

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