Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
We invited Emily, Jody, Silas, Hattie and Luke over this morning for brunch, and then this evening we were invited over to my friend Sherry's house for pizza and games. We had a good time.
The weather here is very windy and cold. We had a little bit of snow today, but not too bad. Scott is going out to hunt pheasants in the morning, so it will be a cold one for him. We don't have too much planned for tomorrow. Emma has been begging me for 2 days now to take her to a place where she can go ice dancing. She got a new Strawberry Shortcake "Let's Dance" DVD for Christmas and Strawberry goes ice dancing. I noticed last night when I drove by the JayCee park that the lights were on at the outdoor skating rink, so maybe if it's not too cold, we'll do that tomorrow? I don't know if she's going to want to have all of her hockey gear on or not? I'm sure she's going to discover it's not as easy as Strawberry Shortcake makes it look. Emma is quite a good skater at hockey, but figure skating is a little different I am told. However, if she is really interested in doing that instead of hockey, maybe we'll do that? I love watching figure skaters. I have heard though, that figure skating is just as expensive as hockey, so it won't matter in that department. Anyway, maybe we'll go out and try it tomorrow.
I'm hoping all of you have a safe New Year's celebration and are not too ill tomorrow! :-)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Spa Day
Friday, December 28, 2007
Home again, home again, jiggity jig!
Gage and Emma did pretty well traveling to and from Iowa, and I am happy about that. We did have a few little episodes on occasion, but it is definitely getting better. I had a couple of decks of cards handed down from our friend Juanita, to use for entertainment. The one I broke out was called "52 FUN things to do in the car". I picked about 3 different ones and they weren't as "FUN" as I thought they would be. Emma isn't old enough yet, I guess? One of the games was for naming as many animals as you could that started with A, B, C.... and all the way through the alphabet, in order. Well, my faithful blog readers know that Emma has some difficulty with words that start with certain letters (especially the letter "B"). Each time we would get to her turn, she would say something that started with another letter. I think mostly because it was a little difficult to think of the animals when you were actually on that particular letter. Anyway, we switched, and then we had difficulty with going in order and Gage couldn't wait his turn, etc, etc. Maybe I'll try it again next year? I'll keep them in the glove box so they'll be there again the next time. It was worth a try, and it did kill some time.
I have pictures I want to post, but I am too tired to do it tonight. I believe I am going to go chug a little NyQuil and call it a night. My cold has turned into a cough, and I don't want to be up all night coughing up my lungs. Thank goodness for drugs. :-)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Unfortunately I have come down with some type of cold or sinus problem. I had a terrible headache all day yesterday despite my attempts to get rid of it. I've been sneezing like crazy and I have no idea where all of this snot is coming from? I think today will be a better day? Typically when we are back, someone gets something. I guess it was my lucky time. Gage has had some sneezing and congestion as well, but it's not holding him back from playing with his cousins.
Today I am doing our laundry and trying to organize all of our stuff to get packed into the van. I'm hoping that we have alot more space than we did coming. I think we will. It looks like there may be some bad weather on our return trip, so it may be slow going?
Gage and Emma have had alot of fun playing with their cousins. It will be hard for them to return home to our house where they will have to play with each other. Although maybe the new piles of toys will keep them busy for awhile?
My number one New Year's resolution is to get organized. I can't wait to get started on that huge project.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Before going to bed last night the kids got to open up a present from Scott and me. Every year (for 4 years now) it has been a tradition to get a new pair of pajamas on Christmas eve to wear to bed. I don't think Gage or Emma has caught onto this yet. They started begging yesterday morning to open up their present for Christmas eve. I told them we had to wait until bed time. Later, I finally told them that it wasn't going to be as much fun as they thought, because it wasn't a toy. He seemed a bit disappointed, so I let the kids open their gifts to each other last night as well. They were very excited to get their Webkinz. I think we have enough Webkinz now to keep them plenty busy. (Or keep myself busy). I enjoy them just as much as they do, when it comes to playing the games online and buying furniture to decorate their rooms!
I am always so surprised at how much room all of the gifts take when boxed and wrapped. The back of our van was completely loaded full when we left. So full, in fact, that Brie had to ride in front between the front and middle seats. Usually she has plenty of room in the back. Then it is so depressing to think about all of the money spent on all of these gifts and when putting them away after having opened them, they all fit into 2 sacks. I guess Brie will have a lot more room on the return trip to Bismarck; however, assembled bicycles aren't as easy to pack around as they are when they are in their boxes!
We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends and good health. I am anxious to see what the new year has to offer.
I did not think to bring my camera cords to be able to post pictures and videos on my blog, so those will have to wait until we get home.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
We made it!
My family is doing great. Everyone is here. Last night there were more people than beds. The kids didn't mind camping out on the floor though. Gage and Emma are thrilled to be here. It was funny yesterday evening when Emma camped out on Grandpa Alan's lap and she layed her head down on his chest. I think that may have melted Grandpa's heart? Gage has been too busy playing with his cousins Colton and Seth to have time for snuggling. They had their first round of present opening this afternoon with the gift exchange amongst the kids and the adult grab bag. Gage and Emma both got Webkinz. Gage also got a pack of Webkinz trading cards and there was a bonus card in there for a free Webkinz online pet. That pretty much ticked Emma off, and pretty much ruined my planning to keep them even. I knew if one ended up with more than the other, it wasn't going to be good news. I guess she'll have to wait until her birthday, which is coming up next.
The buckets of goodies have gone over very well. They loved the buckeye balls Emily! It makes all the time and effort it took worth while. Although I'm sure I've already gained 5 lbs!
I hope this post finds you all and well and spending time with family.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tonight I had an appointment for a MUCH needed haircut. I made the appointment a week ago, or maybe even longer? Typically when I finally call to get the appointment, I'm needing it desperately and want it for the same day. It was for 6pm tonight because she was booked up until that time. I was anxious to go because for one, I had my stocking cap on all day long to cover up my bad hair, for two I just wanted to get out by myself. This was a new place that I hadn't been to before (I have taken Emma there), but I know the people who run it. My appointment was to get a cut and highlights, which I have probably done 2 other times in my life. I went in, was greeted by the receptionist and I sat down in a chair to wait my turn. After I sat there for about 10 to 15 minutes, the lady came up to me and asked, "Do you have an appointment here?" I said, "Yeah." I wanted to say, "Well, what other reason would I come in here and sit for 15 minutes?" Then she asked who it was with and what was it for. Since it was apparent they weren't expecting me, I said I only needed a haircut. I would have normally just apologized and said I must have written it down wrong and went home, but my hair was in such bad shape, I really needed it cut. I had to wait another 10 minutes for the gal to be freed up. I feel 10 lbs lighter now, so I guess it was worth the wait? Before I left, Emma was begging to go with me. I think because she just wanted to go into the beauty shop? I told her I was going to get highlights and it would take too long. Gage and Emma wanted to know what highlights were. I had to explain it to them, and told them maybe I'd just have it colored red. Gage got all mad because he said he would be the only one without red hair. LOL. (He got to bed late last night because of hockey, so I was expecting some form of crabbiness). Anyway, it was funny when I came in the house. Gage was checking out my hair and said, "Did you color it black?" Then Emma came to see. Finally Scott came to check it out. I think they were all about as disappointed that I didn't have some different color in my hair was I was? I'm pretty sure I didn't write the appointment down wrong, because I always repeat back on the phone about 2 times the date and time while I'm writing it on the calendar. Oh well. Maybe I'll have to start hairdresser hopping? I just hate going in to get my hair cut. I wish I could get away with shaving my head bald. Bald is beautiful, right Dad?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Viewer discretion advised
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
After we got home she had some yogurt and was doing great. As I was talking to my Mom on the phone, I noticed Emma at the top of the stairs looking at herself in the mirror with a paper towel on her lip. I didn't know what she was doing. When I went over to check, I noticed there was blood on the paper towel. She showed me her lip and I couldn't believe it. She had been chewing on her lip and it had basically turned into hamburger. It was bleeding and swollen and looked horrible! I felt horrible because they had just told her not to do that, and also told me to try and make sure she doesn't bite her tongue or lip and only give her stuff she wouldn't have to chew for a couple of hours. I had no idea she was even doing that? I hope it heals up quickly. I know it can't feel good and it certainly doesn't look good!
Emma was very proud of herself after it was all over and agreed that she had no reason to be that scared. In the car on the way home she said, "Mom, do you think Dr. Mike is really going to do what he said?" I had to ask her what that was. "He said he was going to call up Santa and tell him I deserved something extra special!" I told her yes, I thought that he really would.
What a day!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Dead dog tired
Emma had a great time playing with Silas, Hattie and Luke. They have 2 new guinea pigs and she wasn't quite so sure about "Polar bear", who is an albino. She didn't like his red eyes. He said that he looked evil. She talked all the way home about how sweet they were and how gentle they were. She said, "Mom, I want a guinea pig." I told her that they would make a great snack for Brie, and the cats. She decided we didn't need one. Gage joined the group after school and also had a great time. We're all exhausted! Thanks for the entertainment today Emily!
After I picked Gage up from school we stopped at home to pick up a couple of things. When I came in the back door, I noticed the pantry door was open, and inside the pantry, the dog food door was open. Brie had a great day chowing down on dog food. I wish she was smart enough to figure out that every time that happens, it gets followed by peroxide and bad things happen on a full stomach with bubbling peroxide mixed in! If we don't induce vomiting after she gorges herself, then she will have MAJOR diarrhea. And, let me tell you, puke is way more pleasant! Scott gave her the peroxide after he got off of work and cleaned the mess up in the backyard (this entry isn't for people with weak stomachs!) otherwise she'll go out there and snarf it all back down. Scott then came to get Gage at Emily's and took him to his Cub Scout pack meeting which was swimming in Mandan. I came home to a great surprise all over the living room floor. NICE! (Anyone looking for a dog to give as a Christmas present, I've got one I'll donate real cheap!)
I'm starting to cross things off my list of things I need to do before our trip as I continue to add more.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
On the countdown............
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Better day
Today was my second day this month of delivering Meals on Wheels. I wish I could say there were no problems. However, I can't. Scott decided that today would be the best day to take the van in to have it serviced before we head back to Iowa for Christmas. I told him I needed it to deliver meals, and he said it would be done in plenty of time. I wasn't quite as confident. At 10 I decided to call him and have him check to see if it was done. Nope. Just as I figured. So, Emily, et al, came to the rescue. She loaded up her three little ones, came to get Emma and I and we delivered the meals together. Let me tell you, that sure makes it go A LOT faster! I couldn't believe how quickly we were getting it done (but compared to last week, I think delivering them on foot might have been faster?). We were done at 12:45, as compared to 1:20 last week. The little old lady that was grouchy last week was nice this week, so I felt good about that. I made lunches for the kids so there wouldn't be any dying noises coming from the back. They all ate very well. I think that's the way to go, strap them in their carseats and they have nothing else to do but eat! :-)
This morning, since Scott took the van to be serviced, I had to walk Gage to school. It was UGLY out there! By the time I got home my eyebrows hurt! No kidding! I felt so bad when we got to school because no one was allowed to go inside until the bell rang. There is a mean old lady that stands at the doors shooing everyone back outside when they try to come in. Since I was with Gage, and I needed to talk to the secretary in the office, she left us alone. On our way back outside, this girl, I'm guessing a 5th grader, came in and was going to go down to the lunchroom for breakfast and the lady wouldn't let her in. She said it was too late, and that breakfast was over. Then, this little guy, who Gage knows, who is in another first grade class, was coming up to the doors when we walked out. He asked me if he was in time for breakfast. I told him that breakfast was done because I didn't want him getting shooed out from the mean old lady. The look on his face made me feel so bad. I could tell he was cold AND hungry. I was going to get Gage's snack from his bag and give it to this little guy to have something in his belly before school, but I didn't know if I should or not? I didn't end up giving it to him because his sister came to get him to take him down to the playground with her. I felt terrible. It was darned cold out there this morning, and I couldn't imagine having to stand out there in it with a hungry tummy. I may have to start packing 2 snacks?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
getting things done
Emily and I are going to get together again next week to try and finish up Christmas cookie baking. It seems that the first batch is nearly gone, which is why I don't always get it done too soon, because it gets eaten too quickly. I always make a huge selection of Christmas cookies to take to Iowa to my parents. I know they like having the goodies around when we're all home for Christmas. I'm afraid Mom might burn the house down if she tried doing it! (Just teasing Mom!) I like trying something new each year to try out on all of them. A few years ago I found a recipe for Santa's Surprises and they are to die for! It's basically a peanut butter cookie wrapped around a miniature Snickers candy bar, then with Dove milk chocolate drizzled over the top with powdered sugar sprinkled over the top. Mmmm Mmmmm! I have waited on making those because I know I would eat them all if I had them done now. This year I have a new recipe from my friend Tonya. I don't know what it's called, but it certainly is yummy. It's a type of Chex Mix that is mixed with melted white chocolate chips. I'm sure everyone will love it.
I'm nearing completion of our Christmas letter. It seems that many weren't going to be satisfied with my Elf yourself message. So I decided I best get to work and get a Christmas letter out. However, I'm sure most of it will be "old news" to my faithful blog readers! Maybe I can think of something I haven't blogged about to write? I doubt it though. My brain is pretty much overloaded, so anything extra is probably out of the question.
Monday, December 10, 2007
I have not yet heard anything regarding my two weeks' notice, in case you were curious.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Here Comes Suzie Snowflake
Emma had her 1 min and 17 seconds of fame tonight. She did great at her recital dancing to Here Comes Suzie Snowflake. She said she was a little nervous, but you couldn't even tell. We were busy enough today that I hadn't even thought of dolling her up with makeup or curling her hair! (I wouldn't have been able to doll her up in makeup anyway, because I don't have any!). It was warm enough in the church that she ended up not even needing any makeup as her cheeks were already rosy! Our good friends Dave and Maggie, and Juanita and Kim were there to serve as family. They did a wonderful job! Emma really enjoyed having them there to watch. After the program, which was 1 1/2 hours by the way, they served goodies which were brought by all of the parents. They had it set up in "potluck" style. I think I need to go over proper etiquette when going through a line like that. I was standing off to the side talking with Maggie while Emma was in the line. I wasn't really paying too close attention, and when she turned around she had a napkin with 7 different things on it and she couldn't carry it all. She was about to drop them all and ended up catching them all with her shirt. I was a little embarrassed to say the least. She certainly isn't shy when it comes to sugar!
Gage for some reason had a hard time enjoying the recital. He didn't like it that they didn't talk while acting out the play of The Little Matchstick Girl. He had to keep asking questions of which I didn't know the answers. He was also hot and dying of thirst throughout the program. If he only realized how many things of his that Emma has to sit through, maybe he wouldn't have complained so much. I tried to tell him about that, but he was sure to point out that she gets to run around and have fun and play.
We finally got our Christmas tree(s) today. We were discussing what we were going to do after lunch, and I sent Scott to Target to get the tree. We decided we weren't going to spend $300 on a tree right now, since we don't really have it to spend in the first place. They had a much smaller tree in a pot that I liked for much less. He went to get the tree and called to tell me that they were all on sale. The $300 tree was now $209. We decided to wait on it anyway and see if they'll drop the price even lower the closer it gets to Christmas. It turned out to be a bonus when he got the smaller potted tree. It came as a set of 2 trees. Gage and Emma were thrilled to death, as they each have their OWN Christmas tree in the living room! Who knew? We ended up just getting out their own personal ornaments to put on their own personal trees. They decorated them themselves and are so proud of them. It turned out to be a win win deal. These trees were also on sale, so I think we ended up paying $25 for each of them. And, they are nice little trees that I will continue to use in the future. They could actually be up year round I think? I can now stop worrying about that. Now I must start worrying about getting Emma's stocking finished that I started when she was born!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
To buy, or not to buy...........that is the question.
I thought I'd get another video uploaded for you all to enjoy. Gage is playing hockey and is green #5. He does a great job skating and gets a great workout at practice and games. I love to see his hair dripping with sweat when he's done. However, when you get 100's of boys, adolescents and adults sweating in the same place, it's not so great. It just reaks of body odor when you walk into the VFW hockey arena. I can't stand the smell. The hockey bags are just as bad when that sweaty gear sits there, I'm sure growing all sorts of bacteria. The other day I started wondering about Gage's mouthpiece. It sits in the hockey bag, attached to his helmet with all of that other stinky sweaty gear. I wonder if that could cause him to get sick? Gage hasn't really been sick yet, so I guess not?
Well, we did NOT get a Christmas tree today. We found a couple that I like, but they are in the $300 range! I have a hard time making decisions like that. I found one at Target that I really like that's $299. There's one at Lowe's that I really like and is $300. There's one at Hobby Lobby that I sort of like, that is normally $250, on sale for $179. I'm not sure if I should spend half of the amount to get a tree that I sort of like, or bite the bullet and spend the $300 on one that I really like. From past experience, I'm usually upset with myself for not getting what I really want. Scott wants a real tree. I like real trees too, but we have waited too long and I don't want to spend $80 for a real tree that we will get to enjoy for 2 weeks. We will be going to Iowa for Christmas, and a rule of mine is that the tree has to be down before we go. One reason is because it scares me having a dry tree begging for a flame in the house. I also have 2 cats that would have every needle knocked off the tree, and possibly have the tree knocked over and all of my ornaments broken. Anyway, the tree has to be down before we go if it's real. If it's artificial, it can stay up and we can take it down after we get back. So, with all of the activities and work that's been going on, I know it will add major stress making sure the tree is down before we go. So, the question is, do I want to worry less and be completely happy with the tree, or do I want major stress and spend money that we will be throwing out the door in 2 weeks? I vote less worry. So, now the question is, do I want to spend $300 for a tree I love, or $179 on a tree that's okay? Any suggestions??
Friday, December 7, 2007
Ending the week on a happy note!
Today was certainly a better day than yesterday. It really couldn't have been worse! I wanted to share this video I took of Emma listening to my iPod. I have downloaded all of the kids' Christmas CD's onto my iPod for the season. We now have an adaptor that we can listen to it in the car over the radio, so I'm anxious for our next outing with Christmas tunes to listen to! Emma would not be very happy if she knew I was putting this video on my blog. She wanted me to delete it off of the camera, and I told her I did. Oops!
We have a busy weekend ahead. Our first and most important task is to get a Christmas tree, and get it up and decorated. I typically am not this late getting it done, but we have had a busy past few months. I also need to make a couple more types of Christmas goodies for Emma's Giving Tree gift at church.
I turned in my two weeks' notice today for my transcription job. I decided I can't do it all. I'm not doing the things with the kids that I believe are important, and they are my first priority. I'm not sure how my supervisor is going to react to the email, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. I don't want to have any regrets about not spending time with my kids. This is Emma's last year at home full time, and I want to enjoy it. I'm sure she'll be thrilled when I tell her.
Today after lunch Emma and I volunteered at Gage's school to help take down the book fair that was going on this week. Mrs. Schmidt was very happy to have our help. She put Emma right to work and was impressed with how well she did. (I was too!) I wish she would help like that when I ask her to clean her room! Anyway, she got to pick out a book for free, for helping. She picked out Pippi Goes on Board. (She might be a bit disappointed when she finds out the book isn't about Grandma Pippi!) Emma nicknamed my Mom Pippi after my Mom called her Pippi. Emma says, "I'm not Pippi, you're Pippi!" It stuck. She has been Grandma Pippi for a couple of years now.
I hope you enjoyed the video. This new camera wasn't as easy getting the pictures/videos onto the camera as my other one that I just got back in the mail. My other one just automatically downloads the pictures onto the computer. This one had to be told to do it. Regardless, the video is posted for you all to enjoy. I have some of Gage at hockey on Wednesday too, and I will try to post it another time. It takes forever to get them uploaded onto my blog.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Meals on Wheels
THANK GOD THIS DAY IS NEARLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Crazy schedule
I spent the afternoon at my friend Emily's house. We were baking Christmas cookies. I had a lot of fun. It sure makes the task more fun when you do it with a friend. It didn't seem so much like "work" that way. Plus, she was making some of her favorites too, so we could share. I have a few more kinds to make, and by the time I will need them, I'm sure I'll have to make more because we'll have eaten them all. It will be fine for Sunday though, since I need an assortment for the giving tree gift at church. Whew!
After we ate supper with Emily, Jody, et al, we zoomed to hockey practice. (By the way, thanks for feeding us Emily as we never would have made it to hockey practice otherwise!) It was very snowy and a little slick on the roads so I was trying to be extra cautious, even though we were running late. My kids never like to leave when they are having so much fun. Gage had an extra hard hockey practice. I was glad it was him and not me, as I think it would have killed me.
We zoomed home in the snowy conditions. I got the kids bathed, read to, teeth brushed, etc, etc. (Single parenting is for the birds!) During all of this business, it popped into my head that I am scheduled to deliver Meals on Wheels tomorrow at lunch time. UGH! I forgot about it and had intended to do a "dry run" when Scott was here so we could figure out the most efficient route. So, Emma and I will be out on an adventure tomorrow. I did print out a bunch of maps on mapquest (what the heck did people do before computers were invented?) and hopefully we'll get everyone's meals to them before they turn into a block of ice! Hopefully the roads won't be too treacherous!
I'm not sure why I continue to keep adding more and more things to our already crazy schedules. We also have to get up early in the morning to go to "Pastries with Parents" tomorrow morning at Gage's school. We get to eat donuts in the cafeteria and then buy some books at the book fair that is going on in the lobby. I will be able to take a deep breath tomorrow afternoon when all of this is done! (Except then I can start worrying about not having my required number of hours put in for work!)
No wonder my hair is turning gray!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Gage said he was a celebrity today at school. Many people saw him on the news last night.
Emma is a pain in the rump to take into the stores these days. I swear if I hear her say "Can I have this Mom?" again, the threat I keep making to her that Santa is not going to come to her, is going to have to come true. Or at least I'll make her sweat bullets for a few minutes. I remember my Mom doing that to my sister Jari Jo one year at Christmas and boy was she mad! Do you remember that Jari? I'm sure that's just something a kid never forgets. I'll have to remember to ask Mom if it helped. Emma is headed in that direction that is for sure. We can't go into any store that has Webkinz. It turns into a huge fight and she ends up stomping out of the store with her arms crossed tightly against her chest and her bottom lip stuck out ready for any bird to fly by and poop right on it!
We went to the grocery store after school to pick up the items we need to start making some Christmas goodies. This is a little earlier than I would like, but because of the ornament Emma picked off of the giving tree at church for a family to get Homemade goodies, we need to have some done by Sunday, as that's the last day to have the items delivered to the church. I don't know how they do that, if they give the gifts to the people on Christmas or what? If so, the cookies might get a little hard? Some of them won't be a problem, but a few of the others I make are sooooooo good when they are moist. Maybe they'll deliver them a little early since they are edibles?
The weather outside is turning cold and nasty. Winter storm advisories are out for many areas in North Dakota. Scott is in Colorado for work, so I hope none of this weather causes his flight to be changed on Thursday. Not that it matters much on Thursday, as he doesn't get in until after 10:30p.
I hear fighting upstairs, so I best wrap this up for now. I'll try to make my entry more fun tomorrow by remembering my camera. :-)
Monday, December 3, 2007
Hollywood, here I come....................NOT!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What is it about Dad's and girls? Do they not realize that girls need to have their hair combed? I went to my Circle group this morning and met up with Scott and the kids at dance. I was so embarrassed. I asked Scott, "Did you comb Emma's hair?" "No." It certainly looked that way. There could have been rats living in it, it was that bad. Then, Scott and Emma drove to Tuttle this afternoon to winterize the house. They met up with Gage and I at hockey. Emma comes waltzing in with tights on and a sweatshirt that has something spilled all down the front (and still without having had her hair combed all day). Yes, amazingly enough she did have a coat on. It might be cute at 4, but I don't think it's going to cut it in a couple of years. UGH! She looked homeless. Poor Emma. At least she didn't really care.