Today is my friend Emily's birthday. She is due to have her baby any day now and I was thinking she might get a wonderful gift for her birthday! I'm thinking of you and anxious to hear when the little one arrives! Happy Birthday! You're getting sooooooo old at the ripe old age of 30!!
Not too much happened today. We went to church this morning. We always sit in the balcony, in the front row, and it was quite funny when Scott was turning the page in his bulletin and it flew out of his hands and over the edge of the balcony. I'm not sure who the lucky person was sitting below, but I'm sure they were surprised! They would also be surprised to know that it wasn't Emma this time!
This afternoon we had a "last minute" Cub Scout den meeting. We found out on Thursday when Gage brought home his Pack Newsletter that they are having the Raingutter Regatta races tomorrow night at this month's pack meeting. Scott picked up a couple of kits and 2 out of the other 4 Scouts (besides Gage) were able to come over this afternoon to work on them. Scott did most of the work, so I'm not sure how much anyone benefitted from this project, but I guess at least they'll have a boat to race tomorrow night.
We didn't do too much else today, so it's a boring post. I had mentioned a few days ago that I would post pictures of the kids' hunting trips with Scott, so I thought tonight would be a good night for that since I don't have anything exciting to say.
Here's Emma and the lone pheasant that Scott shot when he lugged her around in the backpack a few weeks ago.
Poor Emma's eyes are so sensitive to the sun! I'm sure she'll wonder one day why she looked like that in this picture.
Emma staring down the dead pheasant. I see she has her earplugs in, so that is good.
Gage with Dad's deer that they shot last week. I hadn't noticed before that the deer was laying in our sled! Scott took the sled in case he needed to pull Gage, but it looks like Gage was out of luck unless he wanted to sit on a dead, bloody deer carcass!
Scott, Gage and the dead deer. You'll be happy to know that the stupid thing isn't hanging over the patio anymore. Scott finally got it all cut up and processed yesterday. He has a friend with a meat grinder, so he made several pounds of venison burger. He mixed it with a little fattier beef so it won't be so lean and dry. He was so proud of it and wanted me to come look at it while he had it out on the counter. I told him if he wanted me to eat any of it, then to please not make me look at it! Raw meat just disgusts me. I have a hard enough time cutting up chicken breasts and mixing up hamburger to make meat loaf. YUCK!
Tomorrow starts a new week, and a full week back to school. I turned the page in my planner/calendar and it's written all over already, so I believe we have a busy week ahead. We will attend Emma's parent/teacher conferences tomorrow right after school, so I will be glad to get those out of the way. We have a girlfriend of Emma's coming home from school with us 2 days this week for a play date. Her Dad, who usually picks her up from school, is out of town for a few days so her Mom asked if she could schedule a couple of play dates. She is one of the girls in our Daisy group and she was also in Emma's Jr. K and Preschool class at the YMCA. I haven't yet gotten my schedule for the other 2 that come home with me, so I may have a full house if they fall on the same days! The more the merrier, right? NOT!
Thanks Stace!
You and Jodie need to have non-stop sex if you want to have that baby! Do you think it would help if Stacy and I do the same? We could try and see;) Anything for you guys!
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