Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 6 - Short and sweet

I forgot to blog earlier, but wanted to get a post in for the day, so this will be short and sweet.

Emma had another rough day. She was doing okay this morning and said she wanted to go to Sunday school. We went with the intentions of just going to Sunday school and not the church service. I told her teacher about her surgery and if she needed me, I would be in the adult class room. She ended up bringing Emma the last few minutes of class, so she did pretty good. I asked her on the way up the stairs if she wanted to go to church, and she did. We didn't make it though the entire service and she said she wanted to go home, so Emma and I left, while Scott and Gage hitched a ride home with Steve and Alan Adair. We then had to go to Scott's office later in the afternoon to move his office from downstairs to upstairs. I certainly got my exercise in as I'm not sure how many times I went up and down the stairs. The kids watched Alvin and the Chipmunks on the big screen in the conference room. They were ready to go home by the time we finished.

Emma is still needing pain medicine fairly regularly. The doctor warned us about her having terrible smelling breath, and she definitely has that symptom. I feel so bad for her when she has to take the medicine when she's in such pain as she holds it in her mouth trying to get the courage up to swallow as it burns going down, and then she yells out in pain and starts crying. It's horrible to watch and to make her do this every few hours. The end has got to be in sight. I asked her if she wanted to go to school in the morning and she said no. I knew she wouldn't be feeling well enough to go, but just wanted to see what she would say. She had a rough evening. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

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