Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mark the date on your calendars!

I woke up this morning with a bit of my headache still lingering, but I took a couple of Tylenol and went about my business and thankfully, I am migraine-free.

Gage had camp again this morning. Thursday will be his last day of camp since they went for an extended day on Monday. I am so thankful that Dustin and Colton, my nephews, are coming back with us after the 4th of July holiday to be Gage and Emma's built-in playmates! I may never let them leave!

I worked some more in Emma's room today. I think we are nearing the finish line. Last night Scott was asking me if I was going to paint any white on the bed and I told him no. He replies, "That's a lot of purple!" Yes, it IS a lot of purple! I feel like Harold and the Purple Crayon has made an appearance in Emma's room. It's more like, "Stacy and the Purple Paintbrush!" I keep thinking I can stop painting, then decide I need to do more. Today I painted the underside purple and I'm hoping I can finish up tomorrow by painting the back side of the front piece where it peaks, and on the insides of the side rails. I think that will make it look "finished". Or at least I hope it does!

I decided that I should hang the baby quilt that my Grandma Larsen made in Emma's room. Scott's Dad built me a quilt hanger many years ago and I haven't had it up on the wall since we moved here. I had to have Scott help me get the quilt into the hanger, and also to hang it on the wall. Awhile back we bought a laser level that shoots a beam across the wall to help you hang things level. We have had many arguments when it comes to hanging things on the walls because we usually end up with twice as many holes as were originally needed to hang whatever it was I wanted hung. I think we have used it when we were hanging Gage's letter hooks on his wall and also when we hung Emma's shelves on her walls (however, there are about 3 extra holes in the wall with both of those hangings). Anyway, I told Scott to get the laser level out so we could use it to hang the quilt. I was surprised that he actually found it, but when he was trying to put it on the wall, he dropped it and it broke. NICE! Well, I figured that project was finished. I didn't want to end up with 10 holes in the wall. Scott assured me he could hang this quilt hanger on the wall with only the required number of holes needed. YEAH RIGHT! That has never been done before, so I decided I was going to enjoy watching this and boy was he going to get in BIG TROUBLE when the thing wasn't hanging straight.

Check this out!

First try and it's LEVEL! There are only 2 holes in the wall! I want you all to mark this date on your calendars! Now, I will never accept anything less than perfect when it comes to hanging things on the wall!

It's just doesn't get any more level than this! Scott, "You da man!" (That's what he asked me to say to him when he finished.) I absolutely could NOT believe that he actually did it! WAY TO GO DUDE!

The quilt looks nice. It goes well with the little country-outdoor theme we have going on in the room.
I took this picture of Emma's wall hooks the other day and wanted to post this picture to show you the little detail I added tonight in the next picture.

I am supposed to wait at least 30 days to stick these stickers on the wall due to the fresh paint. Let me tell you it's just killing me to wait and there's no way I can hold off that many days! I decided to stick one on the wall tonight to see if that would ease my excitement. It didn't work. That grasshopper is so cute up there I want to put more on! I did stick a dragonfly on one of the other walls and Emma got mad at me because she wants to do it. I decided not to tell her about the grasshopper. I'm anxious to see how long it takes her to notice it up there.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Yeah Scott! He couldn't look prouder! Ha! :)

Things are looking so cute over there! Our girls enjoy catching bugs so much, we may never get them out of that room! It is so much fun to see things finished and how your hard work is worth it when Emma beams with excitement!