Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our day

Today was a fairly quiet day. Emma had dress rehearsal for her dance recital tomorrow. It should be a cute performance. Our street had it's annual street-wide garage sale, but we didn't participate. We went through alot of the kids' clothes a couple of months ago and gave them to goodwill, and I didn't think I had enough stuff to really do much with AND I didn't feel like going through all the junk anyway. We were going to go to the Science Center's "For the birds" family activity after lunch, but we didn't get done with Emma's rehearsal until it was about time to start, so I just erased that off of our list of things we could do today. Scott was working all day, so it would have just been the kids and me.

Around 5:30 this evening Scott came home, which surprised me, as I didn't think he would be home until later, like last night. Apparently one of the other DU guys felt guilty about being gone from home for the past few days and suggested the wives join them to eat (at one of the top 3 expensive places to eat in Bismarck, The Bistro). There were several big donors in town, which is why they have been working and out touring them around and trying to get into their pocketbooks. Scott gave me about 5 minutes notice. I was not real pleased about the whole situation. I'm kind of like my Mom in that I don't like having things like that "sprung on me" at the last minute. I hadn't fed the kids yet and they needed baths, etc etc. He had already lined up Ellie to babysit (her Dad works with Scott), so there wasn't much I could say. I also didn't know what to wear. My thinking is that they all have been out touring in the field and they are probably all wearing something like jeans, etc. I didn't have anything to wear (I never have anything to wear because nearly my entire wardrobe consists of sweats or track pants and t-shirts or church clothes and not much in between). I didn't have time to do anything to my hair which looked terrible after only wetting it down this morning and not doing anything else to it. I decided I didn't give a crap and just went with what I had on. (Capri track pants and a button up shirt someone would wear out in the field.....the same clothes I have worn to Tuttle the past couple of times we've gone!) When Steve and Laura showed up and she was dressed up in a nice skirt and blouse outfit I knew I was in trouble. All of the women there had nice clothes on of course. I did catch a few people that I made eye contact with and I watched them scan me from head to toe and I'm sure they were wondering where in the heck I came from!? I was definitely out of my league, I felt completely out of place and was embarrassed.

I'm just me and I don't pretend to be anyone that I'm not and if you don't like it, lump it! :-)

On a better note, the food I ordered was DELICIOUS! I wanted to order the filet mignon since it was the most expensive thing on the menu ($30), and I knew I wouldn't be the one picking up the tab, but the apple tart pork medallians sounded better to me, and what a good choice that was! The dessert was good too!

We came home (at 10:30p) to Emma still awake on the couch. A perfect ending to a perfect evening! (Gage would say, "Mom, are you using sarcasm?")

1 comment:

Kara said...

That was sweet of Scott and his group, but I am with you on not liking to be caught off guard! I probably would have been in my comfy clothes and no shower yet if I knew I would be home all day by myself! Glad you enjoyed your meal. We have always had good food when we have eaten at the Bistro...usually for lunch since it is all we can afford! :)