Monday, March 31, 2008
Scott is in Northern Iowa for some meetings and is due back late tomorrow night. He is looking forward to Friday. Apparently Barrack Obama is going to be in North Dakota on Friday (Grand Forks I believe?) and Scott has tickets to his rally. As far as I know he has never been to anything like this and he is really excited about it. I'd go with him if it were Hillary! :-)
After lunch today Emma and I went to the library. Last night she couldn't go to sleep and on her last trip up to see me she said, "Mom, can we go to that place where they have books and videos?" "You mean the library Emma?" "YEAH!" We went after lunch and she picked out a pile of books, played with the puzzles and picked out a couple of DVD's. I guess Gage had told her to pick him out a video and some books. She picked a video for him, but not a book. I told him he should have asked me, I would have loved to get him some books. We just finished reading Junie B. Jones Jingle Bells Batman smells (and P.S. so does May!). It was a funny book. I wish there were more available. We have gotten all of the Junie B. books read and are anxiously awaiting a new book to come out. Emma loves them just as much as Gage. She isn't much into chapter books yet, unless it's Junie B.
I have been amazed at how well Gage and Emma have gotten along in the last 2 days. (I'm knocking on wood) Today after school they were sitting on the couch watching television and Gage was leaned up against her and she had her arm around him. If I had had my camera, that certainly would have been a Kodak moment! I'm sure it will never happen again!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Today we got up and made it to the 9am church service. That was no easy task after my shot of NyQuil last night. I love that stuff! It works better than any other medicine I am aware of in helping me not cough my lungs up during the night! I've had a terrible headache most of the day and am hoping I won't have it when I wake up in the morning! One thing that really stinks is waking up with a headache.
The kids had a good day. We played outside for quite awhile this afternoon. I tried getting Emma to ride her bike a little bit without her training wheels and she isn't quite brave enough, or determined enough to do it. We then went to the backyard to play a little baseball and ended up having to put the zip and hit toy away because Brie couldn't stand the fact that the ball couldn't be retrieved by her since it is stuck on the zip line. She LOVES to play baseball! Unknowingly, we taught her how to retrieve the balls and bring them right back to the pitcher's mound and drop them last year. She then gets back into her defensive position and gets the ball everytime. Makes my job A LOT easier. Scott doesn't necessarily like her playing this game with us, as he thinks it could ruin her on retrieving ducks. I think she's smart enough to separate the two activities. It's the only thing she does that makes me really like her! :-)
We're hoping for a good week this week and that everyone gets to feeling back to normal! I hope none of you have caught this nasty stuff that's going around!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
When Gage and I got home from Walmart, Emma was sitting outside in front of our house in the rock bed in her pajamas. She did have a coat and shoes on, thank goodness. I wonder how many people drove by wondering why she was outside playing in her pajamas? She was happy to see us when we drove up and I asked her what she was doing outside in her pajamas. She just smiled. I don't know if Scott told her it was okay, or if she just took it upon herself to go on outside?
Sorry for the short entry, but I am going to go take my shot of NyQuil and hit the hay. I've already spent too much time trying to get that darned video on here!
Friday, March 28, 2008
My turn
"Is that a Starbucks coffee cup sitting there on the dresser?" "No way! Scott surely didn't go to Starbucks and get me a coffee to have when I woke up, did he?" I start squinting my eyes to try to get a better look because I didn't have my glasses on and it was still dark in the room. "Well, it looks like it could be a cup of coffee sitting there, but I don't see the little insulated wrap they put around the cup?" "I should get up and get it." "He surely didn't think to do that, did he?" "He does do nice things like that for me, so maybe he did?" "I just don't believe it is?" "I should get up and get it, because by the time I get up, it might be cold." "No, it can't be a Starbucks." "Wow, if it is, that was really thoughtful of him!" "It just can't be!"
Finally, after probably 5 minutes of this, I finally got up to check and it was my lotion bottle. I just knew that wasn't possible. Yesterday when I told him about my delirium and the conversation I had going on in my head, he laughed. It was kind of funny. I could have solved the whole problem by just getting up to look in the first place. But it was nice and warm in my bed and I didn't want to get out. I told him I didn't want to tell him about it because I didn't want him to do it because I had planted the idea in his head.
This morning I had a Starbucks coffee waiting for me when I woke up! :-) Even though I felt like crap this morning, that was a nice surprise, even if I did plant the idea by telling him about my NyQuil delirium!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
School work
My sisster has twenty one webkinz! Dad has a gazillyon decoys. Mom has a trilyon scrapbook thigs and I have four peple in my famaly.
I thought that was pretty funny. I asked him which number was higher, a gazillyon or a trilyon. He said a gazillyon so I guess Dad has more decoys than I have scrapbook things. I better get some more Cricut cartridges! :-)
So far, knocking on wood, I have not yet had to make a second trip back to school this week with any forgotten items, i.e. library books, shoes, etc. I know there's another day yet in the school week, but I'm doing pretty good so far!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Quiet day
Not too much happening here. I had my orthodontist appointment today and he mentioned that he didn't think I would be having surgery til the end of summer, early fall. It seems to keep getting moved back each time I go in. I'm okay with that though, as I'm sure it will be easier to recover from the surgery when both kids are in school all day!
The only exciting thing I can think of that happened today was hearing about the GREAT DEAL my friend Kara got on her new Cricut Expressions machine!! Way to go Kara!!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Last day of Spring break
Gage had a dentist appointment today. He did not have any cavities, so that was a relief. They put sealants on 4 of his molars and the dentist has referred us to the orthodontist. He has a bad crossbite that needs attention. When the hygienist was cleaning Gage's teeth she asked him if his teeth ever hurt, and he said just in the mornings. I have heard him grind his teeth a little in the night at times, but I think there's more clenching going on than anything. The dentist said that could certainly be a cause of some of his headaches. As we were standing at the front reception desk, they were getting ready to call Dr. Warford to refer us there. I asked them if I could just make the appointment myself, as I will be there tomorrow anyway. We will probably have an account with them for the next few years with Gage and then more with Emma. I guess it's good I've gotten to know them quite well over the past year!!
Emma was feeling a bit better today, but still felt a bit warm to me. She has a bloodshot eye, and I'm hoping it's not pink eye. I may end up taking her in to see the doctor tomorrow, because I'm quite sure they won't let us through the doors on Wednesday at school if her eye is still looking like it is. It's not draining anything, so I'm not convinced it's pink eye, but I know the YMCA won't want to take any chances and will probably make me take her in to have it cleared before she can come back to school. Maybe I will luck out and it will be gone tomorrow? Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Gage and his Star Wars Easter eggs!
I must admit, the Star Wars egg kit was pretty cool. The kit contained plastic sleeves that you put around the egg, then put it into hot water and it shrinks around the egg. Initially Scott had gotten a bowl of water and I was watching Gage try to get this wrap on his egg. I thought to myself, "Yeah, I figured it wasn't going to work!" Then, I heated up the water in the microwave and then put the egg with the sleeve on it into the water and I was amazed at how quickly it shrunk down and fit perfectly onto the egg! I guess the water wasn't hot enough to begin with. With the wrap on it, there wasn't much left to color, but we dipped them in the dye anyway to make them a little more colorful. I'm sure Gage isn't going to let me make egg salad with them tomorrow!
The Easter bunny has baskets ready for the kids, but they don't seem to have a lot in them. The items they want cost a little more now that they are older, so there aren't as many. I guess it only gets worse the older they get. I'm sure they'll be pretty thrilled with what they did get, or at least I hope they will. I'll post more pictures tomorrow of them in their Easter outfits and with their baskets.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
After lunch we took the kids to see Horton Hears a Who. It was a cute movie. Especially if you know the book as well as we do. It was one of Gage's favorites that we would check out at the library when we were attending story time with Mother Goose. (At one point, I couldn't read a book without trying to make it rhyme, as Gage was heavily into Dr. Seuss!) It was funny to hear Emma giggling during different parts of the movie. There was an older gentleman behind us that was doing alot of giggling as well. :-). We called this one of our "Family Fun" activities that we had drawn from the box and didn't do because there weren't any movies in the theater that we wanted to see at the time we drew it out. And, since it was Friday, Emma insisted on drawing another activity from the family fun box. She drew out "Go shopping and everyone gets an item!" Gage bought part 2 of Pirates of the Caribbean with most of his own money, Emma bought a big ball to annoy me with, I bought a Caramel Frappucino at Starbucks :-) and I don't know that Scott bought anything? I'm sure it's coming! HA HA!
We've heard from Jody a few times. Last we heard he was 300 miles from his destination in S. Carolina. He said he would get there around midnight tonight. We're hoping he makes it there safely. Silas is doing well and is completely entertained with DVD's, Leapster games, etc. Emily made it safe and sound. We already miss them terribly. Gage has talked a lot about them already and wonders if we can visit them. We will be visiting them and hopefully soon.
Yesterday I tore into the guest room and since I had all of my scrapbooking stuff taken down so the room could be occupied, I was able to get to the filing cabinet once again and did some major paper shredding. I believe I have completely cleaned out the filing cabinet and am going to reorganize the room so it isn't so overwhelmingly cluttered. Soon we will be hitting the basement. Gage and Emma, despite being warned not to, invited their friends to the basement this morning and I was mortified when I realized where they were when their Mom went to tell them it was time to go. Our basement is a complete war zone and I have told the kids they aren't to have anyone in the basement until it is presentable. I guess I can look at it on the positive side, and they aren't allowed any playdates for awhile as punishment for disobeying the rules.
Looking forward to another quiet day tomorrow!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The day has arrived
This morning Emily and I got up at 3:45 a.m. to head to the airport. Her flight left at 4:40 a.m. I was amazed at how quickly we left the house. Last night I was trying to figure out what all we had to do in the morning and was asking Emily all sorts of questions. It went so smooth. Luke was not happy about me putting him in his carseat, but once we were all in the car and driving, he was fine. She had 2 big suitcases and 2 carseats to check, then her stroller, 2 bags, Hattie with another bag, and Luke to carry on. I admire her for being brave enough to fly with 2 little ones. That was nothing compared to a trip they made last fall to South Carolina to attend a wedding, I think, and she traveled alone with all 3 kids! YIKES! I know I would NEVER attempt something like that. Emily is an amazing person, and there is nothing she can't do. I held it together a lot better than I thought, but walked away crying. She did too. When I was leaving the airport I couldn't get an attendant to take my parking ticket at the ticket booth. I sat there for about 5 minutes, back up a little, then pulled forward again, trying to get someone's attention. I didn't see anyone, but the lights were on so I knew someone was there. I had honked the horn once, with no results. Then after a few more minutes I honked 2 more times. FINALLY he came and let me through the gate. Scott told me when I got home I was supposed to slide my ticket through some thing. I don't recall anything like that, or seeing instructions to do so. He tells me they were there, and as much as he travels, he probably knows. I'm sure the guy thought I was an idiot! Oh well. Jody and Silas were to have left around the same time as we did for the airport, but when I got home, the truck was still there and the lights were out. I had to wake Jody up to make sure he hadn't overslept, and he said he was working on getting out of bed. I'm sure he was quite tired as Luke didn't sleep the best and woke up crying several times in the night. I got Silas up and got him ready while Jody got ready. I had Scott get Gage and Emma up so they could say good-bye, as I thought they might be really upset to wake up and everyone was gone. Gage was sweet and told Silas he would get an extra egg for him in the egg drop that their church is having on Saturday and would send it to him. It was so sweet when Silas gave Emma a hug. He told her he was really going to miss her and gave her a big long hug and looked at her so caring-like. Of course the tears started flowing again and I told Jody he was supposed to have been gone before I got home because I didn't want to go through it all again! :-) Anyway, I helped him get Silas loaded up in the big truck and off they went. They are driving as far as they can today. I think he's wanting to make it to Chicago at least. Emily and the kids will land in S. Carolina at lunchtime, just in time for naps, so that should be good. We are going to miss them sooooo much. Good Luck guys!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Movie alert!
Grandpa and Grandma left for home today. Emma and I went to McDonald's with them for lunch before they left. When we were standing at the counter ordering, I turned around and saw Silas bolting for the playland area, then saw Emily and her mother-in-law trudging through the door with Hattie and Luke! What a great surprise! I had no idea they were going to be there and was excited to see them. They were meeting another friend and her two kids there for lunch so they all joined us in the back of the playland to eat lunch. It was quite loud in there today and I think Scott's parents were a little surprised at how busy it was. His Dad thought that going at 11:30 would beat the rush. HA! I knew better, but figured I would let them see for themselves. That is a busy place because of the playland area and also being next to the interstate. It turned out to be a good thing for Emma, as she was distracted from the fact that Grandpa and Grandma were leaving and wasn't as upset as she would have been otherwise. Both she and Gage have a hard time saying good-byes. When we leave Iowa Gage is always sooo terribly upset and cries so hard it just breaks my heart, so it always helps to have some distraction at those times to help ease the pain a little.
I was busy today getting the extra bedroom ready for Jody, Emily and the kids. They are closing on their house tomorrow and are leaving North Dakota on Thursday so I told them to stay the night at our house. It will be a crazy night and I'm sure no one is going to sleep well. Hopefully Jody does, as he will have the hardest day driving the moving truck as far as he can on the trek to South Carolina. Silas will be riding with him and will hopefully keep him awake while Emily, Hattie and Luke fly. I get the honors of taking them to the airport and I'm very much like Gage and Emma in respect to saying good-bye. I hate it. It's going to be a tough one. I have a hard time telling my parents good-bye when we leave and I always get choked up. I never tell my sister Kysa good-bye because I hate it so much! She is the same way. I think it's just a mutual understanding and we don't go there. (Or at least I think that's what it is? Maybe she's ready for me to go home? HA HA!) It's just weird. I'm not good at them and Thursday is going to be a tough one!!! I know, however, that this is going to be a friendship that will last, despite the distance between us. I was just thinking about it the other night, and know how sometimes relationships fizzle out when there is so much distance. It wasn't that way with our very dear friends, Jason and Julie, who have both gone to be with the Lord. We always took every chance we got to see them when we had the opportunity and they did the same. I remember traveling to Delaware to see them, and flying to Minnesota to see them when we lived in Memphis. And, they also traveled to visit us when we lived in Mississippi, Tennessee and even Montana! Julie also drove here to Bismarck with Samantha and Matthew from MN when Emma was born. She came to stay with Gage while Scott and I were at the hospital with Emma. That is a true friendship, and I know I have that same kind of relationship with Emily. I got all choked up today at lunch when Silas told Emma, in such a sweet but sad voice, "I hope we're friends forever Emma." Even Judy, Jody's mom, got all choked up. They are such a wonderful family and we are going to miss them dearly.
Okay, okay. I got a little windy tonight. Sorry! I had a lot on my mind!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Playing hookie?
After I dropped the kids off at school today I had a few errands to run. I got home around 10:30 and had a message on my answering machine from Gage's teacher, Mrs. Vetter. (The one day I forget to take my TracPhone with me!) She said that Gage wasn't feeling well. I called her back and she said he said his head hurt and stomach felt queasy. She sent him to the nurse's office and his temp was normal. I told her I would be there in a few minutes to pick him up. I took some Motrin with me to see if he wanted to take that and try to stick it out, but he already had his coat on and his backpack packed and ready to go home. On our way out the door Mrs. Vetter said that Gage said he hoped he would get to watch the Bee Movie. Uh huh, that's just what I thought. I told him that Grandpa and Grandma weren't at home, that they went with Dad to Tuttle. He wanted to know if Emma was home, and I told him no, she was at school. He wanted to come home. Mrs. Vetter said she did know he wasn't feeling well because when they were doing their in class assignments they get free period afterwards, and typically he hurries through his papers to get to play (what kid wouldn't?) and today he did not do that. And he had been laying his head down on his desk. She told Gage that if he got to feeling better, he could always come back.
We got home and he immediately put in the Bee Movie and sat down on the couch. I gave him some Motrin then had to pick Emma up from school. Scott and his parents got back home just about the same time. I also picked Silas up to take him home, so we were gone a little while and when we got back, Gage was sitting up playing a video game. He was doing a little hollering and sounded to me as if he was ready to go back to school. I told him that when I was growing up, and if I stayed home from school we couldn't go anywhere or do anything outside of the house. It was not good to be seen outside by anyone if you were home sick from school. (That was a good rule Mom!) Anyway, I told him if he was feeling better, that he should go back to school. He decided that he would, because he really wanted to eat at Red Lobster tonight for supper, and he knew that was out of the question if he didn't go back to school. Scott took him back around 12:30 and he lasted the rest of the school day. I don't know if he will get counted 1/2 day of absence or not? If he does, that will ruin his perfect attendance for the year. He only missed lunch and recess I think, so really he should be okay. Not a big deal anyway, but I would sure hate to mess it up if he wasn't really sick. I do think he had a headache, and I know he wasn't feeling the best Saturday afternoon and some of Sunday because all he did was lay around. However, the Motrin he had when he got home must have done the trick. We did get to eat at Red Lobster and Gage was extremely excited to get crab legs. (He can't wait to get a chance to eat those with you one day Grandma Pipi!) (Actually, it's me who can't wait for him to get to eat them with you one day, because I'm not very good at cracking those darned things open and I don't get to enjoy my own meal very much because it's so much work!) :-) After supper Gage, Scott and I attended Gage's Cub Scout pack meeting, and once again, he was running low on fuel and had his head down on the table. So, I know he's not feeling the absolute best, but I'm also not sure if he really wanted to just come home from school today because he felt like he might be missing out on something since we have company? We'll see how he feels tomorrow. I'll be sure to send him to school with some Motrin already in his system so hopefully he will make it through the day. Plus, Grandpa and Grandma will be leaving around noon tomorrow, so there won't be anything fun to want to come home early for!!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Like no other
I hope you all had a wonderful Palm Sunday. The kids were also excited to bring home a couple of palm leaf branches to celebrate the day. I was feeling a bit guilty after receiving a notice in the mail from our church about needing kids to participate in the procession of palm leaf branches during the church service. The kids didn't miss out on a thing, and also enjoyed their time visiting another church service today.
Thank you Jody and Emily!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Second place
We've had quite a busy day with dance, hockey and Grandpa and Grandma Stephens arriving for a visit over the weekend. The kids are thrilled.
The weather has cooled off just a bit, but it is drying up outside and that is a good thing. Brie can track more dirt in than any dog I know. That might be because she wants outside every 10 minutes. I think she wants to stay outside all day, but she thinks she might be able to fool me when she comes in each time to think it's time to fill her food dish, which doesn't happen until 5 pm when Scott gets home from work. So, she barks to get let in, then as soon as she realized I'm not falling for her little trick, she wants right back inside. This continues ALL DAY long! UGH!
Friday, March 14, 2008
On a mission
Thursday, March 13, 2008
We finally had the plumber come to see why our washing machine has been draining out onto the basement floor for months (our last appointment for the day). He had to snake the pipes, which took him awhile to do. The hand held one wasn't powerful enough, so he had to go for the big dog. The problem is fixed, and now that we have that fixed Scott says we can get a new washer and dryer. The dryer sounds as if it's going off into orbit at any second, and Gage can't sleep if it's on at night. So, we'll be shopping around for new appliances when he gets back into town. YEAH! I hate having to spend the money on them, but it will be nice having my laundry time cut in half with a huge capacity washer and dryer! Also, I really liked the plumber. He's a great guy. If any of you are needing a plumber here in Bismarck, call Gregg's Plumbing. He's a one-man show and his cell phone was ringing off his belt loop. He was really a nice guy. He said he has 6 kids, ranging from 14 months to 19 years, and 2 of them with red hair! I feel his pain!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hockey tournament
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Near death
The weather was pretty nice today and we had Emily and the kids over for lunch. The days are quickly flying by and I'm not looking forward to their departure next week. I have been in denial and now I'm going to have to start accepting the fact that they are moving. Gage asked tonight on our way home from getting ice cream. Why do all of our friends move? First Jessica (the kids still remember you and Leah, Jessica!!) moves, then Ben and now Silas. Scott had to point out to him that we have MANY MORE friends that haven't moved, and we need to be thankful for that. It's still hard losing people you care about.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Yes, I'm still alive!
Today was such a beautiful day outside! After Gage got home from school we spent the rest of the afternoon outside. Gage and Emma were trying to have toothpick races along the curb as the water runs down the side of the street from the melting snow, but their toothpicks kept getting hung up under the little glaciers. I tried breaking them all up to clear the way, but the ice was too think in many places. Emma made an attempt at riding her new bike from Santa Claus today, without training wheels. She's terrified if I let go, and I couldn't let go for more than a nanosecond because I didn't want her wrecking and coming up a muddy mess.
We did have a scary thing happen this evening before supper. Gage and I were outside and I was fiddling with something in the garage while he was trying to get his bicycle out of the side garage door. He wasn't able to get it through the obstacle course of sleds, shovels, etc., so he decided to open the garage door. I'm not sure what he did but the garage door only opened up a little ways, maybe like 2 feet, and stopped. I told him that we needed to keep the garage door down, because I didn't want our trusted, loyal, canine companion to make a break for it AGAIN! Emma had come out the front door and said, "Hey, why is the garage door open only a little?" I told her because Gage was trying to get his bicycle out and it didn't open all of the way. I went over to push the button to close it and as I walked away from the button I saw Emma under the door and the door was closing on her as she was trying to crawl under to get into the garage. I've seen and read stories about kids getting killed by being crushed by garage doors and I panicked. I ran over to her and hollered out her name and the door then went up. THANK GOD for the little garage door sensors at the base of the garage door. That is a safety feature EVERYONE should have. So, all of you out there reading this, if you don't have one, get one and install it TODAY! Emma freaked out because she thought I was yelling at her and she took off into the house crying like crazy. I followed her in and was trying to find out if she was okay and she wouldn't answer me or come to me. When I told her why I was so worried, she finally told me that she was just scared, not hurt. I only looked away for a second and that second could have been the worst second of my life had we not had those garage door sensors. Our garage door is the original to this house and is wooden and heavy and would have completely crushed her if it weren't for that sensor. I've read all of these stories about kids being run over by their parents backing out of the garage, and about kids being crushed by the garage door and I've always thought, "How could that even happen? Those parents must have been careless." Well, I'm here to tell you that it can happen to ANYONE and THANK YOU GOD for saving my little Emma today! Go buy your garage door sensors.
Friday, March 7, 2008
At Emily's we got several boxes packed. All of her glassware and some toys and clothes of the kids. I plan to help some more next week. She only has 2 weeks left here. I'm so sad. I don't really want to help them pack, because it means they're leaving. However, they will be leaving whether I help them pack or not, so I'm doing all I can to help. That is going to be one terrible day when I take them to the airport.
After school I took the kids to a friends' birthday party at the Mandan Community Center. Alan turned 10, which is hardly believable. I remember when he was born when we all lived in Memphis. I have always been annoyed by boys in the age range of 9-11, and the party just confirmed it again, that boys in that age range are terribly obnoxious! I was glad to get in the quiet car to drive home. However, it wasn't really very quiet with Emma talking a mile a minute, but it was definitely more quiet than at the party!
We have a busy day ahead tomorrow. Tomorrow night we are hosting our monthly card group. We have a lot of picking up and cleaning to do, along with dance, hockey, another birthday party, etc. etc. I'll be glad when this busy weekend is over!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The sky is falling
Oh, by the way, I took some of my prescription muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory medicine (migraine rescue medicine) before going to bed, and I was so excited that I woke up headache free this morning! Whew! Those headaches I get just really stink, and I hate when they linger on for days!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Day 2
I'm heading to bed, but had to blog first. I feel awfully guilty if I don't get that done every day!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Back to school
I have had a headache most of the day today. After lunch I decided it would feel good to lay down awhile, so I asked Emma to watch a movie with me. She picked out The Wizard of Oz. She got this DVD for her birthday and she really enjoys it, all except for the "green witch". Emma talked and talked during most of the movie. At one point, I apparently started to doze off and Emma got up off the couch (which must have woke me up) to see if I was awake. I had just opened my eyes and she said, "Oh, I thought you were sleeping because I thought I heard you snoring." HA! I probably was, but thankfully I opened my eyes just in time to satisfy her, then I drifted off again. I had to make sure to stay awake after awhile so I wouldn't sleep through going to get Gage from school. It was a bit of a nasty walk as it was blowing wet snow in my face. It certainly woke me up, however. Gage reported that he got an A+ on his spelling and dictation test on Friday, which is a grade that first graders don't get! YEAH!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Day off
Sunday, March 2, 2008
No school tomorrow. Staff development day. Whatever!!!!
The weather was cold and very windy today. Not sure what tomorrow will be like for our day off, but hopefully it won't be so windy!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Scouts Winter Fun Day
Gage got his candy bars today to sell for his Cub Scout pack, so watch out! At $3 a bar, they are a little pricey, but very tastey (they are plenty big as well)! We bought one this morning and shared it amongst the 4 of us. Gage decided that would be good for his sales pitch, that he could tell them that the candy bars are really good, because he tried one for himself! :-) We've sold 1/2 a box so far. Emma is quite ticked that she doesn't have anything to sell. She decided that she was going to sell one to our neighbors Dave and Maggie. She didn't even give Gage a chance to get over there before her. Dave asked her what she was selling them for and Emma replies, "For money!" HA HA! I told her to be patient because starting next year, with Kindergarten and Daisy Scouts (or whatever they call them at that age), she'll have plenty of selling to do! That is one thing I hate doing, selling things for fundraisers! UGH!