Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday practice

It was chilly out today, especially with the darn wind blowing like it is. I hate this in-between stuff. I am an "all-or-none" kind of person and I don't like this weather. If it's going to be cold, then I like COLD! Well, I guess I can't really turn that around, because I don't like it HOT. I'll take the cold, I guess.

The kids were relatively easy to deal with this morning prior to school. Gage wanted to wear his Heelys, but they aren't allowed in school. I told him he could wear them without the wheels at school; however. He couldn't find the plugs to plug the hole when the wheel is out and tried blaming that on Emma or me. He finally found them in the basement, right where he left them. :-) He rolled to school and then I had him pop the wheels out and plug the holes and I took them with me so he couldn't lose them, or get in trouble with them. I then proceeded downstairs to the library to put some books away. There are tons of new books in the library and they had me salivating. We are currently reading the Gary Paulsen "The Hatchet" series. It is really good. We have read "The Hatchet" and are almost done with "The River". Gage loves it when I'm reading books to him that I really get in to because I say, "Just one more chapter" and then can't stop at the end of that chapter and we keep going on until I just have to make myself stop. Tonight while I was sitting in the car while Emma had soccer practice, I cheated and read through the end of the book on my own. I knew he would be home late as he had his first baseball practice, which Scott took him to, and we wouldn't get a chance to read it. Now I can't wait to get started on "Brian's Winter". I'm not sure if we can get through the whole series before school lets out for the summer though.

Scott is home from trapping ducks. I was glad to have his help tonight. Gage's baseball practice was at 6:30 tonight at Rita Murphy Elementary baseball field and Emma's soccer was at 6:30 at Grimsrud Elementary. They are on opposite sides of town and it would have been difficult to do by myself.

I'm quite tired, so I think I will call it good.

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