Thursday, September 27, 2007

Body parts

As I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning after breakfast, before walking Gage to school, here is our conversation.
Gage: "Mom, is dick a bad word?"
Mom: (Eyes have popped open, jaw has dropped to the floor) "Yes, Gage, that is a bad word! Why do you ask? Where did you hear that?"
Gage: "What if your name is Dick?"
Mom: "Well Gage, if your name is Dick, then that isn't a bad word. But if someone's name isn't Dick and you call them a dick, that's a bad word!"
Gage: "But my Grandpa's name is Dick."
Mom: "Yes, Gage it is. That's not bad when you call him that, because it's his name. Gage, do you remember not long ago when we talked about nuts being a slang term for testicles, well, dick is a slang term for your penis."
Gage: (Eyes are big and a little shocked). Alan has a book with Dick in the title. He told me that was a bad word.
Mom: "Well Gage, if that was in the title of a book, then it probably wasn't used in a bad way, because it was probably someone's name. Dick is a nickname for Richard. So, if you call someone that when it's their name, it's okay, but when you call someone that when it's not their name, you're calling them a penis, and that's not nice. So, if that title was meant in a bad way, then he shouldn't have been reading that book!"
Gage: "Okay Mom. Alan always tells me the truth."

I want to know if anyone knows how and when Dick was derived from Richard? Maybe long ago someone called a guy named Richard a dick, and somehow it stuck and all these poor men named Richard have been being called Dick all their life? We call my brother-in-law Richard (behind his back of course). I suppose we shouldn't do that in front of Gage anymore!

The questions are only going to get worse I'm afraid.


Emily Jennings said...

You sure have some BODY PART conversations going on lately. LOL

taygold said...

I find it all so very funny Sis. Keep up the conversations. They will be well versed when it comes to anatomy and physiology. Ha Ha
Be glad they don't ride a school bus. They really learn some good stuff on there.

GE is me said...

Oh my! I'm sooo not looking forward to those days. Hopefully I still have 5-6 years before we get there. I think you handled all of the questions & comments well. Sometimes I think being honest with our children is the best thing, even though they may be a little young to understand it.
I remember Dr. Dobson saying 1 time -"Children are the world's best imitators & far more perceptive than we give them credit for."
Boy isn't that true!