I wanted to tell about the busy weekend we all had and get some pictures posted for you all to enjoy.
I left Bismarck around 9am on Friday to go to Medora for a weekend scrapbooking retreat. It wasn't a great trip. There were a couple of ladies who wore t-shirts that said, "What happens in Medora, stays in Medora." I think I am going to use that as my motto for this trip. This probably isn't the place to unload about how my weekend turned out, so let me just say this.......I probably won't be going back. Enough said.
On Saturday Emma went to a Girl Scout event called "Oh, E Oh! A Pirate's life for Me!" Emma rode with Kara and Jadyn and I had asked Kara if she had a chance, to please take a few pictures for me because I figured Scott would forget. He ended up not going so did not get pictures. Kara got some great ones and I stole a few from her blog. To see all of the pictures she took (all of them were great) you can check out Kara's Blog.
Jadyn the Pirate Princess and Emma the Pirate. It looks to me like they are having a friendly log rolling competition here! :-)
Yesterday I mentioned we went to the Minnesota Timberwolves game at the Civic Center and I wanted to post a few pictures from that as well.
Here is Emma in the "Pregame Tunnel". I think I mentioned last night that the Timberwolves actually came out the opposite side to enter the gym so the girls got to slap hands with the Denver Nuggets instead.
Here is Emma's patch she earned for this event.
Tonight we had Gage's Pack meeting for the month in the cafeteria at his school. This picture is of Gage being awarded his astronomy belt loop and pin. He was very proud of them and had a big smile on his face when I helped him put them on his belt and patch vest.
Tonight at the Pack meeting they had Minnow Races. The boys (and a couple of sisters, one being Emma) raced their minnows to the end of a rain gutter to see which one was the fastest.
Here is Gage dumping his minnow into the gutter. The boys were to hold their hand over the gutter while walking along the gutter to create a shadow. The minnows want to stay in the shadow so they swim forward (or they are supposed to) while the boys walk down the gutter to the end/finish line. The first minnow to the end of the gutter wins. Gage won his first round.
Here is Emma putting her minnow into the gutter. She had a speedy minnow that was way ahead of the shadow Emma was creating with her hand. Needless to say, Emma won her race. I should have taken video but it was so quick I didn't have time to change the camera over to the video setting!
Here are Gage's Astronomy belt loop and pin that he was awarded tonight.
At one point during the game Kara got up to take Jadyn and Kya to the bathroom and ended up with all of the girls! While they were on their way to the bathroom they ran into the Dakota Wizard Mascot. Emma was thrilled to death. What a great picture Kara got, which I stole from her blog! :-) Thanks Kara! The little girl in the cheerleader outfit is McKenna, Jadyn's friend.
Emma giving the Wizard a high 5! (another picture I stole from Kara) If you want to check out more pictures Kara took, check out her blog.
Near the end of the game, during a time-out, Crunch, the Timberwolf took on the Dakota Wizard in a slam dunk competition. Here is a picture I caught of Crunch in mid-air! I was amazed at how high and far they jumped!
Tonight at the Pack meeting they had Minnow Races. The boys (and a couple of sisters, one being Emma) raced their minnows to the end of a rain gutter to see which one was the fastest.
Tonight it must have finally caught on to the other troops that the boys in our den have been earning some awards that theirs weren't. It's not because they aren't doing the activities, but because they didn't know these awards even existed. One of the other den leaders' wife asked us tonight what Gage had to do to earn the belt loops he's gotten the past 2 pack meetings. So, now my secret is out. I told her I would email her my pdf files of the requirement sheets that I have scanned and saved on my computer. The other boys should start earning some awards now too.
The kids got to bed later than usual tonight, so I can already tell you they are going to be grumpy tomorrow. At least I have something to look forward to, eh?
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