Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

Our day started out VERY early! For the past few mornings, Emma has been waking up before anyone else, running up to my room asking, "Is it Christmas Eve yet?" This morning was no different. Well, I guess if you count the time, it was. Just before 6am Emma comes running up to our room and says, "It's Christmas Eve, can I open my present now?" NO EMMA! There have only been 2 presents each, for Gage and Emma, under the tree since the trees were put up and decorated. One for each of them was labeled, "Open Christmas Eve". For the past 5 years we all have gotten a new pair of pajamas to open on Christmas Eve. I started this tradition after I read about another family doing this in the journaling of a scrapbooking idea book. I love pajamas and the idea of everyone getting a new pair of p.j.'s to wear to bed Christmas Eve sounded like a great tradition to me. Apparently Gage and Emma have not yet caught onto this yearly tradition! They have been hounding me about these presents the past couple of days and I continued to tell them they could open them on Christmas Eve. Emma knew when she woke up this morning that today is Christmas Eve, so she wanted to open them, RIGHT NOW, at 5:45 this morning! We told her that she wasn't going to be able to open them until after supper tonight. Boy did that ever make her mad! She says, "Uh, but it's Christmas Eve!" Gage was awake soon after that, and they made trying to sleep in, impossible! I had an eye appointment this morning at 9am, so I had my alarm set to get up earlier than I wanted to anyway. It just so happened that I didn't even need my alarm! How about that! I continued to tell the kids, all day, that they couldn't open the presents until after supper. I told them that I thought they were too excited about it and that they were probably going to be disappointed. Gage replies, "What could it possibly be if it isn't something to play with?" Just wait and see Gage!

Gage and Emma couldn't wait another minute to open up these Christmas presents, and they did end up talking me into letting them open them up just before supper.

Look Mom, new pajamas! You can just see how "thrilled" he was! He actually was excited because they were Jedi Knight flannel p.j.'s. He stipped his clothes off right then and there to put on his new p.j.'s.

P.J.'S! Emma loves her p.j.'s and there are many times when we get home from school, when she knows we don't have any activities going on to leave the house for that evening, she will put her pajamas on. She too stripped her clothes off immediately to put on her new, cuddly-soft p.j.'s

I'll bet that next year they remember that they will be getting a new pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve!

Even Scott got a new pair of p.j.'s. He was quite surprised when the Life is Good box actually contained Life is Good merchandise! As soon as he removed the wrapping paper he replies, "Oh! A Life is Good box! Do you think there's actually Life is Good stuff in it?" Ha ha! Surprised ya Scott!

Grizzy was just thrilled with the empty box!

Cheese! We take a family picture every Christmas Eve with our p.j.'s on! In case you were wondering, I had to get my own p.j.'s. I like it that way anyway, because that way I get just what I want! :-) It only took 2 attempts with my camera timer to get our family photo!

Gage and Emma had to take the reindeer dust that Emma made at school outside to sprinkle on the lawn so they know where to go! They tried hurrying as fast as they could since it's -4 degrees outside!

Sprinkle on the lawn at night
The moon will make it sparkle bright
Santa's reindeer fly and roam
This will guide them to your home
If you would like to make your own Magic Reindeer Food here is the recipe. Mix together in a small bag: oatmeal, sugar and shimmery glitter. On Christmas Eve, remember to take this magic reindeer foor and sprinkle it on the lawn. The sparkling glitter and the smell of oats will guide reindeer to your house before dawn! If you watch the video carefully, you can actually see the glitter sparkling! I think Santa will definitely be coming to our house tonight!
Emma is never going to be able to fall asleep tonight! I am planning to go to the 11pm Christmas Eve church service, and if I'm lucky, she will be asleep when I get home so Santa can come! Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Emily Jennings said...

I LOVE the family pic! Merry Christmas, we miss you guys so much!