Monday, January 5, 2009

Pet Hair

I have a few different blogs that I read where they list different products that they either love or hate. I haven't felt the need to do that, until now. There are a few different products that I cannot live without and wish that I had invented. The Swiffer is one of them. I couldn't live without a swiffer.
The other day Scott came home from Walmart with a new product. I have never seen it advertised on television and had never heard of this product prior to Scott bringing it home. My new favorite product is the Pledge Fabric Sweeper for pet hair. This truly is an AMAZING product, and anyone with pets MUST own this! Scott bought it and brought it home the other day because our little yellow cat, Griz, pulls his hair out and there was hair all over the couch. I wasn't paying any attention when Scott used it the other day and when I asked him if it worked, he said it did. He didn't tell me how WELL it worked! Tonight when I got home from my volleyball game, I noticed that Griz had been busy pulling more hair out, which was all over the couch, so I thought I would get this little sweeper thing out and give it a try. OMG! It's the MOST AWESOME thing EVER! It picked up the cat hair like nothing I have ever seen before! It was better than a lint brush and better than a roll of packing tape, no kidding! I want to go out and buy one for everyone I know with a cat. I had to call my Mom and sister tonight to tell them about it. It was hard to describe, so I thought I would just blog about it, and add a couple of pictures so they could visualize it. I also found the link, so just click on the link above and check this bad boy out! Seriously, if you have a cat, you MUST go out and buy this ASAP!

This morning I had a phone call from the librarian at school asking me if I could come in at 9:30 and work til 3, instead of from 1-3p. Her son was up all night with a stomach bug and she wasn't able to go to work. I was happy that I was able to do it. I worked with Juanita until 1p, then I worked for Juanita until 3p. I was a little nervous about being in the library for a couple of hours by myself, but it went very well. I had to read a story to a 3rd grade class, which I was nervous about. I am not fond of public speaking, or public reading. I have never read to any kids except my own, but it wasn't bad at all. They had all come in from recess and their cheeks were as red as could be, and I could feel that my neck, cheeks and ears were just as red as theirs! I didn't mind it at all, and I won't be so nervous if I have to do it again. It turned out to be a pretty good day and I don't think I screwed anything up too badly in the couple of hours I was there by myself. Juanita came back around 2:30 because she was volunteering in another classroom, so I had my little stack of books with my questions ready for her. I couldn't remember what I was supposed to do with the books that were returned that came from a different library. She helped me with that and not long after that, it was time to go home. I was beat when I got home so I'm hoping to sleep well tonight! I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow afternoon!
P.S. After I published this post, I clicked on the link to see if it worked. It did. However, I didn't realize that it had a video on the link, so I clicked on it to see the video. I just wanted to add a little note here to tell you that this thing works just as good in real life as it does in the video! There is no trick videography in that little clip, and if you don't believe me, then go buy one for yourself and you will see what I am talking about. I think Scott said it was less than $5.

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